Thursday, 17 November 2016

AWARD Winning Author: Veronica McGivney Talks to Chill with a Book

Her debut novel, Aftermath of Murder was recently honoured with a Chill with a Book Award, Veronica (Vee) McGivney calls into Chill’s HQ to share a little about herself.

I grew up on the isle of Wight and afterwards lived and worked in Exeter, Paris, Angouleme ( south west France), North London,  Nairobi (Kenya) and Brighton where I still live.

 I have always enjoyed writing but only turned to writing fiction in recent years after a long period producing academic books and articles. I find writing fiction liberating and immensely satisfying, although it has to compete for time with my other great love, painting.

 In the last few years I have completed several novels and a number of short stories. My debut novel  'Aftermath of a Murder' was published in November 2015, and a second, 'Inheritors of the New Kingdom', in November 2016. I also write short stories and have been shortlisted for two British short story awards.

I don't favour any single genre. I write about anything that interests or preoccupies me at the time. 'Aftermath' and 'Inheritors' are both very different in subject and scope, as are all my short stories.

Receiving a Chill with a Book award for 'Aftermath' was both an honour and a great pleasure. It is also helpful as the greatest difficulty any independent writer faces is to promote their own work. Writing is the easy bit!

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  1. shared to my
