Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Newsletter - JULY


 Newsletter 2020



July brings a new look to Chill's web site. 
A brighter appearance that continues to reflect the wonderful award winning books from independent authors.
I hope you like it!

Talking of winning, here are June's award winning books...

Drum roll, please...


Book Cover of the Month

A HUGE thank you to Cathy Helms at AvalonGraphics for being our fabulous Judge for Cover of the Month Award.

All authors who receive a Chill with a Book Readers' Award will be considered for BOOK COVER of the MONTH in the month they receive their Award.

Book of the Month

The corner stone to Chill Awards is its readers and READERS are "always" NEEDED!
Chill can never have enough readers... 

If you love to read, why not join the reading panel for Chill Awards?

If members of your family or your friends are interested in joining Chill to be a reader, please ask them to email me. Pauline

Chill readers receive Amazon vouchers so they can download to their Kindle / e-reader any book they choose from the Award Programme and no reviews are required.

More information Here

What one reader said about reading for Chill...

"This month I read a great book from an author I had never heard of before. I will certainly be recommending and reading more from this author."

This month on my Blog ....

In the coming weeks I am shining a light on a few charities who like everyone, are struggling to survive. Some wonderful people share their stories about their charity.
The stories are heartwarming and a little emotional too.

Ros Rendle shines a light on the Evergreen Trust with a beautiful story about a WW2 hero

Helen Hollick talks about Moorland Mousie Trust and the Exmoor Pony Centre

Once again, a very special thank you to all Chill's readers who read and evaluate the mountain of books submitted.

I thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this amazing Award Programme helping to shine a light on great Independent Author Published Books

As always, thank you for taking the time to read Chill's Newsletter. Wishing you a wonderful month, please look after yourself and your family.
As always, I hope the sun is shining on your face and in your heart.
Until next time sending sunny smiles.



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